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 1. Alison Faye Randall  DD May 29 Lovey-Dovey Christianity  Hellbound Alleee\'s Dear Diary 
 2. The Clovers  Lovey Dovey  Atlantic 1022; wr. A Nugetre  
 3. Otis Redding & Carla Thomas  Lovey Dovey  Stax 244; wr. A Nugetre  
 4. The Clovers  Lovey Dovey  Atlantic 1022; wr. A Nugetre  
 5. The Clovers  Lovey Dovey  Atlantic 1022; pr. Jerry Wexler; wr. Ahmet Ertegun & Eddie Curtis  
 6. World Leader Pretend  Lovey Dovey  Punches 
 7. Otis Redding & Carla Thomas  Lovey Dovey  Stax 244; wr. A Nugetre  
 8. Thomas C. Oden  Libyan Christianity 3: Christianity from Marmarica to Tripolitania  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 9. Ada Jones and Billy Murray  Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mine  Edison Amberol: 191  
 10. Ada Jones and Billy Murray  Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mine  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9950  
 11. Dr. Norris Belcher  What Is Christianity Pt1  Church Of The Open Door 
 12. Nate Cartel  Pon-Again Christianity  Naked Church 
 13. Gareth McCormick  Is Christianity the only way?  CCBS 2006 
 14. William Craig  The Evidence for Christianity  EAN 2002 / HOPE21 
 15. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #2  firefighters.org 
 16. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #3  firefighters.org 
 17. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #1  firefighters.org 
 18. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #4  firefighters.org 
 19. SPARKS Colin  Origins Of Christianity  Marxism 1988 
 20. James Dobson  Christianity and Darwinism  Christianity and Darwinism 
 21. James Dobson  Christianity and Darwinism  Christianity and Darwinism 
 22. Barry A Miller  Manly Christianity   
 23. Pastor David Legge  05-Practical Christianity  1 John 
 24. Bob Avakian  avakian christianity d1 t2  Christianity and Society--The Old Testament, The New Testament, Christian Fascism, Social Change and Revolution 
 25. Bob Avakian  avakian christianity d1 t2  Christianity and Society--The Old Testament, The New Testament, Christian Fascism, Social Change and Revolution 
 26. Pastor David Legge  11-Confident Christianity  1 John 
 27. Rev. Kent Schaaf  Christianity in the Sudan  Christianity in the Sudan 
 28. Pastor David Legge  11-Confident Christianity  1 John 
 29. David Luke  True Christianity   
 30. David Luke  True Christianity   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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